Hear What Others Have to Say

This is the best job I have ever had. I don't want to do what I was doing before. I would much rather do something like what I have been doing for Robert Weed. - Austyn Walker, Robert Weed CSI Intern
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Explore your career path, increase your skills, and land a job after graduation with an internship.

Explore your career path, increase your skills, and land a job after graduation with an internship.

Working in your field of study allows you to stand out from the competition, connect your classroom learning with real-world experience, and build relationships with business leaders who can be integral to your career after you graduate.
An internship may be right for you if…

An internship may be right for you if…

  • You want to gain confidence in your skills
  • Create real-world connections and experiences in your chosen career field
  • Build relationships that can serve you later as a business reference or potential employer
  • You're excited about building a strong resume
  • You crave a good mentor

Talk to a Career Coach about your areas of interests.

Check out local internships and jobs available now.