Resume Assistance

Resume Assistance

Presenting a resume that reflects skills, knowledge, and education relevant to the job you are applying for is vital. We offer the opportunity to have an engaging, interactive workshop to help you market your skills and experience. Whether you are looking to create a resume for the first time or make improvements to your current one, we can help you make the most of your work experience and skills.


Schedule Resume Assistance
What Can I Do With This Major?

What Can I Do with This Major?

Not sure which major to pursue?
Interested in exploring career possibilities?

This website resource can help bridge the gap between degree majors and careers.

  • Access insights on career paths
  • Learn about employers hiring in various fields
  • Uncover strategies to boost your appeal as a job candidate

    You will also find links to professional associations, job market trends, and valuable job-search tools.
Proceed to Site
Career Assessment

Career Assessment

Our Work-Based Learning Center is here to support students and community members in crafting and exploring their career plans.

One key tool we offer is a career assessment, designed to help you understand how your unique traits influence your success and fulfillment at work.
Through our collaboration with TruTalent Personality, you’ll gain insight into what inspires and energizes you!

Contact the Work-Based Learning Center at
208-732-6303 to take this easy, fun, and free assessment.

LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile

A LinkedIn profile is an excellent tool to introduce yourself, highlight your values, and share your interests. It allows you to open doors to opportunities by presenting your professional journey through your experience, skills, and education.

LinkedIn Etiquette Guide: 20 Do’s & Don’ts

Mock Interviews

Mock Interviews

Booking a mock interview is a fantastic way to sharpen and refine your interviewing abilities.
A mock interview provides you a chance to anticipate potential questions and practice expressing your responses clearly. This trial run offers a low-pressure setting to rehearse and gain constructive feedback ahead of an actual job interview.

If you are a student eager to test out a job interview in a supportive, helpful environment before launching your career, our team is ready to assist you.

Schedule A Mock Interview
Center for New Directions (CND)

Center for New Directions (CND)

The Center for New Directions (CND) at the College of Southern Idaho is dedicated to empowering single parents and displaced homemakers by providing the support and resources needed to achieve career success.
Through personalized guidance, the CND helps individuals overcome personal and economic barriers to education and employment, opening doors to new opportunities.

We help:

  • Single Parents
  • Displaced Homemakers
  • Career Pioneers (non-traditional occupation)
Click Here for More Information
Career Coaching

Felonies/Misdemeanors and Your Education

A criminal conviction doesn’t have to stop you from building a meaningful career.

Most CSI programs welcome students with convictions, and plenty of jobs are still achievable. Before choosing a program, check the hiring preferences of potential employers and any certification or licensing hurdles in your target field.

Learn More